
Are You Part of the Online Dating Revolution?

Is Grindr and Tinder your ‘go to’ when it comes to seeking out a partner?

Are you meeting people outside your usual social circle?

Perhaps you’ve had an interracial encounter?

New research suggests that online dating is changing not only the way we meet people but also who we meet.

Before it became the social phenomena that it has become we used to rely on our established social network to find a possible partner. A friend of a friend, maybe someone from school or a chance encounter from the local church dance.

According to new research all this is changing with the explosion of online dating websites. In their paper, ‘The Strength of Absent Ties: Social Integration via Online Dating’, Josue Ortega from the University of Essex and Philipp Hergovich from the University of Vienna, examined the social implications of online dating.

The researchers discovered that through online dating new social links are being established that didn’t previously exist. As our networks become more random they create greater racial diversity leading to more interracial marriages.

Another surprising discovery was also made. In exploring the strength of marriages the researchers found that married couples that met online have lower rates of marriage break up than those who met through more traditional ways.

With over 50 million people now signed up to Tinder and 12 million matches made each day it’s not wonder that online dating is now the second most common way that heterosexual couples meet their partners and for homosexuals it is the most popular way. This research suggests that online dating is now a major driving force in creating social change.

To read the article in depth go to http://www.scotecon.org/pdf/2017/2017_15_Sandoval.pdf

Douglas Channing



Category : Blog & CoupleStuff & Dating & Relationships

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