FAQs for Pandemic Virtual Support Group for Men (Australia)

Reserve Your Space Now!

Tentative Date: Tuesdays 6.30pm – 8pm (if this timing isn’t suitable please let us know as other timings are also being considered)

To reserve your space in the group, please call or text Harley on 0411 411 103 or send a message via the contact page. Harley with then contact you to finalise your booking and arrange payment.

Please note that the group will operate with a minimum of 4 participants and a maximum of 10 participants

How Do I Access the Group?

Once your place in the group has been confirmed, you will be sent a Zoom link and access code to join the group.

  • It is recommended that you have a computer/device with a camera and a microphone
  • To access the group via a device, please download the Zoom app prior to the group meeting time
  • To access the group via a browser, please connect a few minutes before the group start time, as your browser will need time to automatically download a plugin
  • Alternatively you can dial in via a teleconference number – however – it is preferable to be able to see each member of the group

How much does it cost?

The group costs $40 per person per session. Reduced rates are available for those whose income has been affected. Please enquire.  Fees are payable at the time of booking. Cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will unfortunately not be able to receive a refund.

What are the Protocols for a Virtual Group

  • The group will usually start on time so it’s useful to login 5 minutes early.
  • It’s important to remain for the entire session – if a short break is needed, this can be accommodated for all participants.
  • Please ensure that you are in a private space and that no-one can overhear the conversation. If necessary please use headphones.
  • Please ensure that your camera is on, and that your device or microphone is always muted when you are not speaking. This ensures that the group is not disturbed by background noise.
  • Only one person will speak at a time – the facilitator will discuss how this works
  • The facilitator will explain some aspects about how the group works to help any new participant feel welcome.
  • Please speak largely with “I” statements and talk about yourself and your experiences. Making judgements about other people’s sharing are not welcome or helpful.
  • You remain responsible for your own choices around what you choose to share, or to let the facilitator know of any concerns you may have.

Specific Protocols Relating to Covid-19

  • No matter what you have read or what you know about Covid-19, please refrain from providing any health or other advice to other participants
  • Please be sensitive to the fact that other participants may be in vastly different health, economic or family situations than you
  • Please try to keep your sharings related to yourself and your experiences, feelings and thoughts
  • This is not a forum for political discussions, or for broader discussions such as trying to assess or solve any broader Covid-19 issues. It’s a forum for personal sharing and support

Will the men’s group solve all my problems?

A men’s group is not designed to solve all your problems. There is no magic bullet that will ensure your life will be completely different. However, men’s groups are recognised forums for men to share their stories and experiences with other men, and through this exchange to change and improve their lives. What you get from the group will largely be based on the level of your participation.

What kind of men participate in men’s groups?

All kinds of men are welcome at this men’s group. Your age, cultural background, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and any other aspect of yourself that makes you unique, will all be accepted and hopefully celebrated as important elements of the group.

Who is NOT suited to men’s groups?

A men’s group is usually not suited to men who:

  • Have a severe or serious form of mental illness. If you are unsure, please consult with your medical practitioner.
  • Have a history of being violent or are unable to manage their anger or rage reactions
  • Have any sort of substance dependency (eg. Alcohol, drugs) where use is on a regular basis
  • Are unwilling to respectfully listen to other people’s experiences

If any of the above applies to you, you may need to seek individual counselling or therapy

Who will be facilitating the group?

The group will be facilitated by Harley Conyer.

Harley is a qualified and skilled counsellor, life and executive coach, mentor and facilitator, with substantial experience working with individual clients and facilitating workshops, trainings, groups and retreats.

He is a powerful change agent, with significant experience and success supporting others through major life transitions and transformations. His skills and training make use of current techniques and practices, while also drawing upon some more traditional approaches that have withstood the test of time.

Harley believes that every person has, within themselves, the power to heal or change their lives. He is intuitive and skilled at facilitating the process that enables clients to engage with their authentic and conscious selves to support their healing or change. He also draws on his own extensive life experience to offer an empathetic and compassionate therapeutic framework.

Harley’s individual and group programs are all experiential, offering a space of acceptance and non-judgment, allowing his clients’ inner wisdom to emerge.

Harley also has substantial business experience in various management roles, and has lived and worked in 5 countries, across 5 different continents.

For more information about Harley please click here