How Psychotherapy Can Help You Become the Best Version of Yourself
I’m often asked what is Psychotherapy and how could I benefit from it? Psychotherapy allows you to explore your concerns in a safe and non-judgmental environment with a mental health professional. This may be the first time you are opening up about a sensitive issue. Perhaps you aren’t fully aware what the issue is, yet you have a sense that things aren’t quite right in your life. Psychotherapy is an exploration of how you came to be the way you are; this may include looking at core beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviours. We mostly adopt these in the formative years of life from our parents (who often took their cue from their parents, and so on). Throughout our development, we are further influenced by our relationships, experiences, biology and culture, to name a few. All of these factors shape us and how we see ourselves.
We often reach adulthood without having ever questioned these foundations. If you suffer from anxiety, depression, relationship woes or some other emotional distress, the key to healing may be outside of your awareness. Even if you are aware of what’s holding you back, it can be difficult to navigate in stressful times. Psychotherapy can facilitate your journey to a more authentic, conscious version of you. Clients often report drastic improvements to their lives and relationships after engaging in therapy. During the course of my own therapy, I recall discussing these very profound changes that were taking place at the time. I had just completed my studies in Psychology and the experience was not what I had learned about or expected. I remember my therapist saying “Psychology in the western world tends to put you in a box; the task of a good therapist is to take you out of it”.
As a Psychotherapist, one of the most rewarding things I can attest to is witnessing clients flourish, often defying a traumatic past. Seeking professional help can make a huge difference in an age of quick fixes and google diagnoses. Despite campaigns to raise awareness, men still feel stigmatised reaching out for therapy. It can take tremendous courage to make that first phone call, let alone show up to your first appointment. Yet with all the challenges along the journey, I can say with conviction – life is that much more fulfilling outside the box.
Harry Bechara
Category : Anxiety & Blog & Featured & Happiness & Health & Wellbeing & Men's Coaching and Counselling & Self Esteem & Stress Reduction